What Type Of Build Is Best For Your Combat Sport…

<aside> 💬 On the lean nimble (Kickboxer) Body

“… lack punching power. And this is because some of them don’t have that mass to put behind their punches. Sure the pros like Mayweather can KO people but this is because they are all time greats. But I’m talking to you. If you were to get this lean and nimble of a physique like a Mayweather or a Bruce Lee you may struggle with power. Your speed will be on point, but not so much power.


KOs are about KO windows, not so much power

<aside> 💡

The most powerful punch? The one you didn’t see coming.


<aside> 💡 The KO window is a moment (however brief) and place, where a strike of sufficient force, at a specific targeted area will result in a KO.

The prime examples of such targeted areas are:

  1. Chin/Jaw
  2. Liver
  3. Solar plexus </aside>

What Mayweather, and other “technicians” do to achieve KO

The Technician’s KO Recipe

Hiding KO windows
